
static int CeedChebyshevPolynomialsAtPoint(CeedScalar x, CeedInt n, CeedScalar *chebyshev_x)

Compute Chebyshev polynomial values at a point.

Library Developer Functions

  • x[in] Coordinate to evaluate Chebyshev polynomials at

  • n[in] Number of Chebyshev polynomials to evaluate, n >= 2

  • chebyshev_x[out] Array of Chebyshev polynomial values


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

static int CeedChebyshevDerivativeAtPoint(CeedScalar x, CeedInt n, CeedScalar *chebyshev_dx)

Compute values of the derivative of Chebyshev polynomials at a point.

Library Developer Functions

  • x[in] Coordinate to evaluate derivative of Chebyshev polynomials at

  • n[in] Number of Chebyshev polynomials to evaluate, n >= 2

  • chebyshev_dx[out] Array of Chebyshev polynomial derivative values


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

static int CeedHouseholderReflect(CeedScalar *A, const CeedScalar *v, CeedScalar b, CeedInt m, CeedInt n, CeedInt row, CeedInt col)

Compute Householder reflection.

Computes \(A = (I - b v v^T) A\), where \(A\) is an \(m \times n\) matrix indexed as A[i*row + j*col].

Library Developer Functions

  • A[inout] Matrix to apply Householder reflection to, in place

  • v[in] Householder vector

  • b[in] Scaling factor

  • m[in] Number of rows in A

  • n[in] Number of columns in A

  • row[in] Row stride

  • col[in] Col stride


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

static int CeedGivensRotation(CeedScalar *A, CeedScalar c, CeedScalar s, CeedTransposeMode t_mode, CeedInt i, CeedInt k, CeedInt m, CeedInt n)

Compute Givens rotation.

Computes \(A = G A\) (or \(G^T A\) in transpose mode), where \(A\) is an \(m \times n\) matrix indexed as A[i*n + j*m].

Library Developer Functions

  • A[inout] Row major matrix to apply Givens rotation to, in place

  • c[in] Cosine factor

  • s[in] Sine factor

  • t_mode[in] CEED_NOTRANSPOSE to rotate the basis counter-clockwise, which has the effect of rotating columns of A clockwise; CEED_TRANSPOSE for the opposite rotation

  • i[in] First row/column to apply rotation

  • k[in] Second row/column to apply rotation

  • m[in] Number of rows in A

  • n[in] Number of columns in A


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

static int CeedScalarView(const char *name, const char *fp_fmt, CeedInt m, CeedInt n, const CeedScalar *a, FILE *stream)

View an array stored in a CeedBasis

Library Developer Functions

  • name[in] Name of array

  • fp_fmt[in] Printing format

  • m[in] Number of rows in array

  • n[in] Number of columns in array

  • a[in] Array to be viewed

  • stream[in] Stream to view to, e.g., stdout


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure

static int CeedBasisCreateProjectionMatrices(CeedBasis basis_from, CeedBasis basis_to, CeedScalar **interp_project, CeedScalar **grad_project)

Create the interpolation and gradient matrices for projection from the nodes of basis_from to the nodes of basis_to.

The interpolation is given by interp_project = interp_to^+ * interp_from, where the pseudoinverse interp_to^+ is given by QR factorization. The gradient is given by grad_project = interp_to^+ * grad_from, and is only computed for \(H^1\) spaces otherwise it should not be used.

Note: basis_from and basis_to must have compatible quadrature spaces.

Library Developer Functions

  • basis_from[in] CeedBasis to project from

  • basis_to[in] CeedBasis to project to

  • interp_project[out] Address of the variable where the newly created interpolation matrix will be stored

  • grad_project[out] Address of the variable where the newly created gradient matrix will be stored


An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure